##RFSoC4x2 Setup
You need to prepare an SD Card from which the rfsoc4x2 can boot Linux. The compressed image is hosted by BYU here https://casper.groups.et.byu.net/rfsoc4x2/rfsoc4x2_casper.img.tar.gz
The uncompressed image is 16GB so choose an appropriate sd card.
Uncompress the image with
$ tar -xzf rfsoc4x2_casper.img.tar.gz
Flash the sd card with the dd utility:
$ dd if=rfsoc4x2_casper.img of=/dev/<name of device> bs=32MB status=progress
!!!Warning, make sure /dev/... corresponds to your sd card, mistakes here could break your system
Insert the sd card into the rfsoc4x2 and position the adjacent switch to 'SD' so the board knows to boot from the sd card.
#Getting the IP address of the rfsoc4x2
If you know the ip address you can skip this step
With a micro-usb cable, establish a serial connection with the rfsoc4x2
Power on the board, the boot log should appear in the serial connection. After boot is complete, login with user: 'casper', password: 'casper'. Run
$ ip addr
and get the ip address of the board from the output.
Power off the rfsoc4x2. Connect it to a network over ethernet cable and power on the rfsoc4x2. Try to ssh into the rfsoc 4x2 with casper@<ip address> and password: 'casper'. If this works you can move on to the next step.
##Installing python and casperfpga
The python module casperfpga will allow you to communicate with the rfsoc4x2, including programming the fpga.
The following instructions explain how to setup a python environment using miniconda.
Miniconda is a lightweight version of anaconda. Before proceeding, download and install miniconda on your system.
We are going to create a shell environment that uses a specific version of python. Do so by running,
$ conda create -n casper python=3.8.20
Activate this environment by running
$ conda activate casper
Remember to activate the environment at the start of every new session.
We will now install casperfpga. The repository for casperfpga has been included. Navigate to its directory and run the following:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ pip install .
Casperfpga is now installed! Test this by opening an ipython session
$ ipython
In the ipython session, import casperfpga:
import casperfpga
If no errors are thrown, then you installed casperfpga correctly.
#Programming the rfsoc4x2
This needs to be done every time the rfsoc4x2 boots up. We use casperfpga for programming. Once again enter an ipython session:
$ ipython
Create an object that connects to the board
import casperfpga
fpga = casperfpga.CasperFpga(<ip addr in quotes>)
Upload the provided .fpg file
fpga.upload_to_ram_and_program(<.fpg path>)
Program the clocks
rfdc = fpga.adcs['rfdc']
rfdc.progpll('lmk', 'rfsoc4x2_lmk_PL_125M_SYSREF_5M_LMXREF_250M.txt')
rfdc.progpll('lmx', 'rfsoc4x2_lmx_inputref_250M_outputref_250M.txt')
At this point the rfsoc4x2 is ready to go! The next section describes how to set up the Orin.
# Orin Board Setup and Installation
For the Orin board and getting the proper drivers/packages I took the following steps to get the board set up.
## System Flashing
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