... | @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Knowledge gleaned from failure. |
... | @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Knowledge gleaned from failure. |
1. Altium Designer is great! Until it's not...
1. Altium Designer is great! Until it's not...
1. Adding a new part to a group Altium library (e.g. WarnickShareLibrary) must be designed outside the library first. When complete, copy/paste it into the group library afterward. This prevents multiple users from working in the same library and overwriting/losing each others' changes.
1. Adding a new part to a group Altium library (e.g. WarnickShareLibrary) must be designed outside the library first. When complete, copy/paste it into the group library afterward. This prevents multiple users from working in the same library and overwriting/losing each others' changes.
1. Check the export to Gerber files carefully, especially holes and solder mask layers.
1. Check the export to Gerber files carefully, especially holes and solder mask layers.
1. Get another student to review your PCB before having it sent out. Many errors are caught this way.
1. Get another student to review your PCB before sending it out. Many errors are caught this way.
## Vendors
## Vendors
... | @@ -19,9 +19,13 @@ When ordering PCBs, review the stack layout, tolerances, and substrate material |
... | @@ -19,9 +19,13 @@ When ordering PCBs, review the stack layout, tolerances, and substrate material |
|[PCBWay](https://www.pcbway.com/)|Reasonable job with Rogers|China||
|[PCBWay](https://www.pcbway.com/)|Reasonable job with Rogers|China||
|[Advanced Circuits (4pcb)](https://www.4pcb.com/)|USA|Not very responsive||
|[Advanced Circuits (4pcb)](https://www.4pcb.com/)|USA (CO)|Not very responsive, ~4 week turnaround||
|[Custom Circuit Boards](https://www.customcircuitboards.com/)|USA (AZ)|Expensive||
|[ACE PCB](https://ace-pcb.com/)|USA (CA)|Expensive, Slow response time||
|[Nexus PCB](https://www.nexuspcb.com/services)|USA (CO), Quick turnaround|||
|[San Francisco Circuits](https://www.sfcircuits.com/pcb-production-capabilities/prototype-pcb-fabrication)|USA (CA), Quick turnaround|||
- Needs Review: [Custom Circuit Boards](https://www.customcircuitboards.com/), [PCBgogo](https://www.pcbgogo.com/), [Sunstone](https://www.sunstone.com/), [Avanti Circuits](https://www.avanticircuits.com/), [PCBcart](https://www.pcbcart.com/), [ACE PCB](https://ace-pcb.com/), [Precision Technologies](https://www.eprotos.com/), [JetPCB](http://us.jetpcb.com/), [EuroCircuits](https://www.eurocircuits.com/), [MacroFab](https://www.macrofab.com/), [GreenCircuits](https://www.macrofab.com/)
- Needs Review: [PCBgogo](https://www.pcbgogo.com/), [Sunstone](https://www.sunstone.com/), [Avanti Circuits](https://www.avanticircuits.com/), [PCBcart](https://www.pcbcart.com/), [Precision Technologies](https://www.eprotos.com/), [JetPCB](http://us.jetpcb.com/), [EuroCircuits](https://www.eurocircuits.com/), [MacroFab](https://www.macrofab.com/), [GreenCircuits](https://www.macrofab.com/)
- [PCBShopper](https://pcbshopper.com/) to compare prices
- [PCBShopper](https://pcbshopper.com/) to compare prices
... | | ... | |