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# ALPACA Design Review Documentation Package
## 1. ALPACA Introduction and Instrument Description
###   1.1. [Proposal and Award History](/1-intro-alpaca/1.1)
###   1.2. [Introduction to PAF Instruments and Digital Beamformers](/1-intro-alpaca/1.2)
###   1.3. [High-level ALPACA System Description](/1-intro-alpaca/1.3)
## 2. [ALPACA Science Capabilities](/2) (Panel Charge 2)
###   2.1 [Science Case Design Review Presentation Slides](uploads/91542f026b910944ec638cdbed05eade/Day1_1_ALPACA_Science_Case_Presentations_Lockman-Pingel-Lynch-Cordes-Croft.pdf)
## 3. Front End Design (Panel Charge 3)
###   3.1. [EM Modeling and System Performance](./3-front-end-design/3.1)
###   3.2. [Mechanical Design of Cryostat](./3-front-end-design/3.2)
###   3.3. [Dipole Antenna Modules](./3-front-end-design/3.3)
###   3.4. [Thermal Modeling](./3-front-end-design/3.4)
###   3.5. [Cryo LNAs and Bias M&C](./3-front-end-design/3.5)
###   3.6. [Internal Wiring and Housekeeping](./3-front-end-design/3.6)
###   3.7. [Cooling System and He Lines](./3-front-end-design/3.7)
###   3.8. [GBT Prime Focus Interface](./3-front-end-design/3.8)
###   3.9. [Current Status](./3-front-end-design/3.9)
## 4. Signal Transport (Panel Charges 3 and 4)
###   4.1. [RF-over-Fiber Link Overview](./4-signal-transport/4.1)
###   4.2. [Transmitter Design](./4-signal-transport/4.2)
###   4.3. [Receiver Design](./4-signal-transport/4.3)
###   4.4. [Link Performance](./4-signal-transport/4.4)
## 5. Digital Back End Design (Panel Charge 4)
###   5.1. [Back End Capabilities and Specifications](./5-dbe/5.1)
###   5.2. [F-Engine RFSoC Hardware and Capabilities](./5-dbe/5.2)
###   5.3. [XB-Engine Hardware and Capabilities](./5-dbe/5.3)
###   5.4. [Distributed File Storage](./5-dbe/5.4)
## 6. Firmware and Software Design (Panel Charge 5)
###   6.1. [Beamformer F-engine Firmware](./6-fw-sw-design/6.1)
###   6.2. [Beamformer XB-engine Software](./6-fw-sw-design/6.2)
###   6.3. [Post-processing Software](./6-fw-sw-design/6.3)
## 7. Interfaces Between ALPACA and GBO Infrastructure (Panel Charge 6)
###   7.1. [Mechanical FEB Mount and Cryogenic Front End Interface](./7-interfaces/7.1)
###   7.2. [Back End Housing, Power, and RFI Shielding](./7-interfaces/7.2)
###   7.3. [Monitor and Control Integration](./7-interfaces/7.3)
###   7.4. [Telescope Scan Control](./7-interfaces/7.4)
## 8. [Design Risks](./8) (Panel Charge 7)
## 9. Project Management Plan and Schedule (Panel Charges 8 and 9)
###   9.1. [Management Plan](./9-project-management/9.1)
###   9.2. [ALPACA WBS Task Schedule](./9-project-management/9.2)
###   9.3. [Budget Status](./9-project-management/9.3)
## 10. [Feasibility of Long-term Project Goals](./10) (Panel Charge 9)
## 11. [Additional Reference Documents](./11)
### Download full documentation package wiki as pdf [here](./alpaca-doc-review-pkg.pdf)
### For external files referenced in the wiki, download Additional Documents folder zip archive [here](uploads/5c71076e0512e0e7fa35ed999ffbdd40/Additional_documents.zip) |
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